纵深助手 Elevation helpers

Angular Material 的纵深(elevation)类和混入器(mixin)让你可以沿着 Z 轴区分开各个元素。所有的 Material Design 元素都有一个静止状态的纵深。此外,有些元素可能会改变它们的纵深,以响应用户操作。 Material Design 规范解释了关于纵深的最佳实践。

Angular Material's elevation classes and mixins allow you to add separation between elements along the z-axis. All material design elements have resting elevations. In addition, some elements may change their elevation in response to user interaction. The Material Design spec explains how to best use elevation.

Angular Material 提供了两种方式来控制元素的纵深:预定义的 CSS 类和混入器。

Angular Material provides two ways to control the elevation of elements: predefined CSS classes and mixins.

为元素添加纵深的最简单方式是为其添加预定义的 CSS 类 mat-elevation-z#,这里的 # 是你要用的纵深数字,介于 0~24 之间。 可以通过切换纵深类来实现动态纵深:

The easiest way to add elevation to an element is to simply add one of the predefined CSS classes mat-elevation-z# where # is the elevation number you want, 0-24. Dynamic elevation can be achieved by switching elevation classes:

<div [class.mat-elevation-z2]="!isActive" [class.mat-elevation-z8]="isActive"></div>
Elevation CSS classes

还可以在 CSS 中使用 mat-elevation 混入器来添加纵深,它接受一个介于 0~24 之间的纵深数,还有一个可选的参数用于表示纵深投影的色调和透明度。

Elevations can also be added in CSS via the mat-elevation mixin, which takes a number 0-24 indicating the elevation of the element as well as optional arguments for the elevation shadow's color tone and opacity.

纵深投影由多个具有不同透明度的投影组件构成,这个混入器的 $opacity 参数会作为一个缩放初始值的因子,而不是作为绝对值。

Since an elevation shadow consists of multiple shadow components of varying opacities, the $opacity argument of the mixin is considered a factor by which to scale these initial values rather than an absolute value.

要使用这个混入器,你必须导入 ~@angular/material/theming

In order to use the mixin, you must import ~@angular/material/theming:

@import '~@angular/material/theming';

.my-class-with-default-shadow {
    // Adds a shadow for elevation level 2 with default color and full opacity:
    @include mat-elevation(2);

.my-class-with-custom-shadow {
    // Adds a shadow for elevation level 2 with color #e91e63 and 80% of the default opacity:
    @include mat-elevation(2, #e91e63, 0.8);

当纵深变化时,你可以用 mat-elevation-transition 混入器来简便的添加转场动画:

For convenience, you can use the mat-elevation-transition mixin to add a transition when the elevation changes:

@import '~@angular/material/theming';

.my-class {
    @include mat-elevation-transition;
    @include mat-elevation(2);

    &:active {
        @include mat-elevation(8);