原理图 Schematics

Angular Material 带了一份供 Angular CLI 使用的原理图(schematic),可以让创建 Material 应用更简单些。

Angular Material comes packaged with Angular CLI schematics to make creating Material applications easier.

Angular Material 附带了一些原理图,一旦你安装了这个 npm 包,就可以通过 Angular CLI 来使用这些原理图了。

Schematics are included with both @angular/cdk and @angular/material. Once you install the npm packages, they will be available through the Angular CLI.

运行下列命令可以自动为你的项目安装 Angular Material、组件开发工具 (CDK) 和 Angular 动画库,并运行代码原理图。

Using the command below will install Angular Material, the Component Dev Kit (CDK), and Angular Animations in your project. Then it will run the install schematic.

ng add @angular/material

如果你只想安装 @angular/cdk,也可以使用组件开发工具的专用代码原理图

In case you just want to install the @angular/cdk, there are also schematics for the Component Dev Kit

ng add @angular/cdk

Angular Material 的 ng add 原理图会帮助你的 Angular CLI 项目配置 Angular Material。运行 ng add 将会:

The Angular Material ng add schematic helps you setup an Angular CLI project that uses Material. Running ng add will:


Component schematics

除了用于安装的 schematic 之外,Angular Material 还带有多个原理图,用于轻松生成 Material Design 组件:

In addition to the install schematic, Angular Material comes with multiple schematics that can be used to easily generate Material Design components:






一个表单组,它使用 Material Design 的多个表单控件接收一个送货地址

Component with a form group that uses Material Design form controls to prompt for a shipping address


创建一个带有响应式 Material Design 侧边栏组件和一个用于显示应用名称的工具栏组件

Creates a component with a responsive Material Design sidenav and a toolbar for showing the app name


带有多个 Material Design 卡片和菜单的网格式布局组件

Component with multiple Material Design cards and menus which are aligned in a grid layout


生成一个带有 Material Design 并支持排序和分页的数据表组件

Generates a component with a Material Design data table that supports sorting and pagination


该组件以 <mat-tree> 组件来展示一个可交互的文件夹式结构

Component that interactively visualizes a nested folder structure by using the <mat-tree> component

此外,Angular CDK 也给出了一些组件的原理图:

Additionally the Angular CDK also comes with a collection of component schematics:






该组件使用 @angular/cdk/drag-drop 指令来创建一个可交互的 to-do 列表

Component that uses the @angular/cdk/drag-drop directives for creating an interactive to-do list

运行 address-form 原理图会生成一个新的 Angular 组件,它可用于快速开始一个 Material Design 表单组,其中包括:

Running the address-form schematic generates a new Angular component that can be used to get started with a Material Design form group consisting of:

  • 一些 Material Design 表单字段

    Material Design form fields

  • 一些 Material Design 单选控件

    Material Design radio controls

  • 一些 Material Design 按钮

    Material Design buttons

ng generate @angular/material:address-form <component-name>

navigation 原理图将会创建一个包括应用名的工具栏和一个能自适应 Material 的断点的侧边栏。

The navigation schematic will create a new component that includes a toolbar with the app name and a responsive side nav based on Material breakpoints.

ng generate @angular/material:navigation <component-name>

表格原理图将创建一个组件,它可以渲染出一个预置了可排序、可分页数据源的 Angular Material <table>

The table schematic will create a component that renders an Angular Material <table> which has been pre-configured with a datasource for sorting and pagination.

ng generate @angular/material:table <component-name>

dashboard 原理图将创建一个新组件,它包含一个由 Material Design 卡片组成的动态网格列表。

The dashboard schematic will create a new component that contains a dynamic grid list of Material Design cards.

ng generate @angular/material:dashboard <component-name>

tree 原理图可用于快速生成一个 Angular 组件,它使用 Angular Material 的 <mat-tree> 组件来展示一个嵌套的文件夹式结构。

The tree schematic can be used to quickly generate an Angular component that uses the Angular Material <mat-tree> component to visualize a nested folder structure.

ng generate @angular/material:tree <component-name>

drag-drop 原理图是由 @angular/cdk 提供的,它可用来生成带有 CDK 拖放指令的组件。

The drag-drop schematic is provided by the @angular/cdk and can be used to generate a component that uses the CDK drag and drop directives.

ng generate @angular/cdk:drag-drop <component-name>