自动完成 Autocomplete

autocomplete 概览


The autocomplete is a normal text input enhanced by a panel of suggested options.

首先,创建自动完成面板,并在其中显示选项。每个选项都应该用 mat-option 标签来定义。把每个选项的 value 属性设置为你希望选择该选项时输入的文本值的值。

Start by creating the autocomplete panel and the options displayed inside it. Each option should be defined by a mat-option tag. Set each option's value property to whatever you'd like the value of the text input to be when that option is selected.

<mat-autocomplete #auto="matAutocomplete">
  <mat-option *ngFor="let option of options" [value]="option">

接下来,创建输入框并设置 matAutocomplete 输入属性以引用我们赋值给此自动完成器的模板引用。我们假设你使用 ReactiveFormsModule 中的 formControl 指令来跟踪输入框的值。

Next, create the input and set the matAutocomplete input to refer to the template reference we assigned to the autocomplete. Let's assume you're using the formControl directive from ReactiveFormsModule to track the value of the input.

注意:如果你愿意,也可以用模板驱动表单代替。我们在这个例子中使用响应式表单,是因为这样比较容易订阅输入值的变化。在这个例子中,要确保你的 NgModule@angular/forms 中导入了 ReactiveFormsModule 。 如果你对使用响应式表单还不熟,可以阅读 Angular 官方文档 中的相关主题。

Note: It is possible to use template-driven forms instead, if you prefer. We use reactive forms in this example because it makes subscribing to changes in the input's value easy. For this example, be sure to import ReactiveFormsModule from @angular/forms into your NgModule. If you are unfamiliar with using reactive forms, you can read more about the subject in the Angular documentation.

现在,我们需要把这个输入框和它的面板联系起来。我们可以把这个自动完成面板的实例导出给一个局部模板变量(这里叫它 "auto"),然后把这个变量绑定到输入框的 matAutocomplete 属性上。

Now we'll need to link the text input to its panel. We can do this by exporting the autocomplete panel instance into a local template variable (here we called it "auto"), and binding that variable to the input's matAutocomplete property.

<input type="text"
       placeholder="Pick one"


At this point, the autocomplete panel should be toggleable on focus and options should be selectable. But if we want our options to filter when we type, we need to add a custom filter.

可以用任何你喜欢的方式根据已输入的文本对候选项进行过滤。 这里我们对候选项的值执行一个简单的字符串测试,看它是否匹配已输入的值,从候选项的首字母开始。 我们已经能访问该 FormControlvalueChanges 这个 Observable 了,所以我们可以通过把它们传给过滤器来找出所建议的选项。 其结果 filteredOptions 可以使用 async 管道绑定到模板的 options 属性中。

You can filter the options in any way you like based on the text input*. Here we will perform a simple string test on the option value to see if it matches the input value, starting from the option's first letter. We already have access to the built-in valueChanges Observable on the FormControl, so we can simply map the text input's values to the suggested options by passing them through this filter. The resulting Observable, filteredOptions, can be added to the template in place of the options property using the async pipe.

接下来还要我们往 valueChanges 中添加一个空字符串,以便在值初始化后(做任何修改之前)就对选项进行一次过滤。

Below we are also priming our value change stream with an empty string so that the options are filtered by that value on init (before there are any value changes).

为了获得最佳的无障碍性,你可能还要往该页添加一些文本指南来解释过滤条件。 特别是,如果你使用了非标准过滤器,并且不单从字符串的开头儿进行匹配,那么它将对使用屏幕阅读器的用户有很大帮助。

*For optimal accessibility, you may want to consider adding text guidance on the page to explain filter criteria. This is especially helpful for screenreader users if you're using a non-standard filter that doesn't limit matches to the beginning of the string.

Filter autocomplete

如果你希望把选项的控件值(它将保存在表单中)设置得和它的显示值(它将显示在文本框中)不同,那么你就要在你的自动完成元素上设置 displayWith 属性。 一种常见的用法是你希望把数据存为对象,却只想显示该选项的某个字符串型属性。

If you want the option's control value (what is saved in the form) to be different than the option's display value (what is displayed in the text field), you'll need to set the displayWith property on your autocomplete element. A common use case for this might be if you want to save your data as an object, but display just one of the option's string properties.

要做到这一点,请在你的组件类上创建一个用于把控件值映射为其显示值的函数。然后把该函数绑定到自动完成器的 displayWith 属性上。

To make this work, create a function on your component class that maps the control value to the desired display value. Then bind it to the autocomplete's displayWith property.

Display value autocomplete

如果你希望当用户打开自动完成面板时自动高亮第一个选项,可以设置 mat-autocomplete 组件的输入属性 autoActiveFirstOption。该行为可以通过依赖注入令牌 MAT_AUTOCOMPLETE_DEFAULT_OPTIONS 进行全局配置。

If your use case requires for the first autocomplete option to be highlighted when the user opens the panel, you can do so by setting the autoActiveFirstOption input on the mat-autocomplete component. This behavior can be configured globally using the MAT_AUTOCOMPLETE_DEFAULT_OPTIONS injection token.

Highlight the first autocomplete option

mat-autocomplete 支持把自己附加到 mat-form-field 上,你也可以使用 matAutocomplete 来把它设置到任何 input 元素上。这样你就可以自定义输入框的样子,而无需从 mat-form-field 引入额外的功能。

While mat-autocomplete supports attaching itself to a mat-form-field, you can also set it on any other input element using the matAutocomplete attribute. This allows you to customize what the input looks like without having to bring in the extra functionality from mat-form-field.

Plain input autocomplete

默认情况下,自动完成面板将会附着在你的输入控件上,不过,有时候你可能希望把它附着到另一个容器元素上。 你可以使用 matAutocompleteOriginmatAutocompleteConnectedTo 指令来修改它要附着的元素:

By default the autocomplete panel will be attached to your input element, however in some cases you may want it to attach to a different container element. You can change the element that the autocomplete is attached to using the matAutocompleteOrigin directive together with the matAutocompleteConnectedTo input:

<div class="custom-wrapper-example" matAutocompleteOrigin #origin="matAutocompleteOrigin">

<mat-autocomplete #auto="matAutocomplete">
  <mat-option *ngFor="let option of options" [value]="option">{{option}}</mat-option>
  • DOWN_ARROW:激活后一个选项。

    DOWN_ARROW: Next option becomes active

  • UP_ARROW:激活前一个选项。

    UP_ARROW: Previous option becomes active

  • ENTER:选择当前激活的条目。

    ENTER: Selects currently active item

  • ESCAPE: 关闭自动完成面板

    ESCAPE: Closes the autocomplete panel

可以使用 mat-optgroup 元素对 mat-option 进行分组:

mat-option can be collected into groups using the mat-optgroup element:

<mat-autocomplete #autoGroup="matAutocomplete">
    <mat-optgroup *ngFor="let group of stateGroupOptions | async" [label]="group.letter">
      <mat-option *ngFor="let name of group.names" [value]="name">

对于没有文本或标签的输入框,应该使用 aria-labelaria-labelledby 来为它指定一个有意义的标签。

The input for an autocomplete without text or labels should be given a meaningful label via aria-label or aria-labelledby.

自动完成器的触发器是 role="combobox"。该触发器会把 aria-owns 设置为该组件的 id,并把 aria-activedescendant 设置为当前活动选项的 id。

The autocomplete trigger is given role="combobox". The trigger sets aria-owns to the autocomplete's id, and sets aria-activedescendant to the active option's id.