卡片 Card

card 概览

<mat-card> 是一个内容容器,可以包含文本、图片,并可在其上下文中表现得像一个单一主体。

<mat-card> is a content container for text, photos, and actions in the context of a single subject.

Basic cards
Simple card

最基本的卡片只需要一个带有某些内容的 <mat-card> 元素。 不过,Angular Material 也提供了几个预定义的分节,你可以把它们用在 <mat-card> 中:

The most basic card needs only an <mat-card> element with some content. However, Angular Material provides a number of preset sections that you can use inside of an <mat-card>:







Card title



Card subtitle



Primary card content. Intended for blocks of text

<img mat-card-image>


Card image. Stretches the image to the container width



Container for buttons at the bottom of the card



Section anchored to the bottom of the card

这些元素主要扮演一个具有预定义样式的内容容器,而没有额外的 API。 不过,<mat-card-actions> 上的 align 属性可用于把这些按钮定位在容器的起点('start')或末尾('end')。

These elements primary serve as pre-styled content containers without any additional APIs. However, the align property on <mat-card-actions> can be used to position the actions at the 'start' or 'end' of the container.

除了前面提到的这些小节之外,<mat-card-header> 还可以让我们为卡片添加各种头部,包括:

In addition to the aforementioned sections, <mat-card-header> gives the ability to add a rich header to a card. This header can contain:







A title within the header



A subtitle within the header

<img mat-card-avatar>


An image used as an avatar within the header

<mat-card-title-group> 可用来把标题、小标题、图片组合进单个小节中。此元素可以包含:

<mat-card-title-group> can be used to combine a title, subtitle, and image into a single section. This element can contain:

  • <mat-card-title>

  • <mat-card-subtitle>

  • 下列之一:

    One of:

    • <img mat-card-sm-image>
    • <img mat-card-md-image>
    • <img mat-card-lg-image>

卡片可用在很多场景中,还能包含很多种不同类型的内容。 由于其动态性,它无障碍性是否合适,取决于如何使用 <mat-card>

Cards can be used in a wide variety of scenarios and can contain many different types of content. Due to this dynamic nature, the appropriate accessibility treatment depends on how <mat-card> is used.

有几个 ARIA 角色用来表示界面上的某些部分在语义上是一些有意义的整体。 这取决于卡片的内容在你的应用中的意义,<mat-card> 元素上通常会应用 role="group"role="region"某个界标角色

There are several ARIA roles that communicate that a portion of the UI represents some semantically meaningful whole. Depending on what the content of the card means to your application, role="group", role="region", or one of the landmark roles should typically be applied to the <mat-card> element.

当卡片用作纯装饰性容器时,不需要指定角色。也就是说,该容器不能作为单个主体为相关内容传达有意义的信息。 在这些情况下,卡片的内容应该遵循文档内容的标准实践。

A role is not necessary when the card is used as a purely decorative container that does not convey a meaningful grouping of related content for a single subject. In these cases, the content of the card should follow standard practices for document content.

根据卡片的用途,可能需要为 <mat-card> 添加一个 tabindex 属性。 如果卡片是用户与应用交互的主要方式,那么最好使用 tabindex="0"。如果该卡片可以吸引注意力,但它不是文档流的一部分,那么最好使用 tabindex="-1"

Depending on how cards are used, it may be appropriate to apply a tabindex to the <mat-card> element. If cards are a primary mechanism through which user interacts with the application, tabindex="0" is appropriate. If attention can be sent to the card, but it's not part of the document flow, tabindex="-1" is appropriate.

如果该卡片扮演一个纯装饰性容器,那么它不需要能 tab 进来。这种情况下,卡片内容应该遵循关于安排 tab 顺序的标准实践。

If the card acts as a purely decorative container, it does not need to be tabbable. In this case, the card content should follow normal best practices for tab order.