排序头 Sort header

sort 概览

matSortmat-sort-header 用于为表格型数据添加排序状态并显示出来。

The matSort and mat-sort-header are used, respectively, to add sorting state and display to tabular data.

Sorting overview
Dessert (100g)
Fat (g)
Carbs (g)
Protein (g)
Frozen yogurt1596244
Ice cream sandwich2379374

要想为表头添加排序行为和样式,请把 <mat-sort-header> 组件添加到每个表头中,并提供一个 id 来标识它。 这些表头应该包含在一个带有 matSort 指令的父元素中,当用户在表头上触发排序时,该指令将会发出一个 matSortChange 事件。

To add sorting behavior and styling to a set of table headers, add the <mat-sort-header> component to each header and provide an id that will identify it. These headers should be contained within a parent element with the matSort directive, which will emit a matSortChange event when the user triggers sorting on the header.

用户可以通过鼠标点击或键盘动作来为表头触发排序。这时,matSort 就会发出一个 matSortChange 事件,其中包含触发排序的表头和排序的方向(ascdesc)。

Users can trigger the sort header through a mouse click or keyboard action. When this happens, the matSort will emit a matSortChange event that contains the ID of the header triggered and the direction to sort (asc or desc).

默认情况下,排序表头的排序方向先从 asc 开始,再点就变成 desc,再点一次则会移除排序。

By default, a sort header starts its sorting at asc and then desc. Triggering the sort header after desc will remove sorting.

要想逆转所有表头的排序顺序,请把 matSort 指令的 matSortStart 属性设置为 desc。 如果要对某个特定的表头逆转排序顺序,请设置那个表头自身的输入属性 start

To reverse the sort order for all headers, set the matSortStart to desc on the matSort directive. To reverse the order only for a specific header, set the start input only on the header instead.

要想阻止该用户从已经排序的列上清除排序状态,请把 matSortmatSortDisableClear 属性设置为 true 来影响所有表头,如果只想针对特定的表头,请把该表头的 disableClear 设置为 true

To prevent the user from clearing the sort state from an already sorted column, set matSortDisableClear to true on the matSort to affect all headers, or set disableClear to true on a specific header.

如果你要阻止用户修改所有列的排序状态,可以绑定 mat-sortmatSortDisabled 属性;如果只想针对单个 mat-sort-header,请绑定它的 disabled 属性。

If you want to prevent the user from changing the sorting order of any column, you can use the matSortDisabled binding on the mat-sort, or the disabled on a single mat-sort-header.

当使用 mat-table 中的表头时,不需要为它设置 mat-sort-header,因为默认情况下它将会使用列本身的 id。

When used on a mat-table header, it is not required to set a mat-sort-header id on because by default it will use the id of the column.

Table with sorting
1 Hydrogen 1.0079 H
2 Helium 4.0026 He
3 Lithium 6.941 Li
4 Beryllium 9.0122 Be
5 Boron 10.811 B
6 Carbon 12.0107 C
7 Nitrogen 14.0067 N
8 Oxygen 15.9994 O
9 Fluorine 18.9984 F
10 Neon 20.1797 Ne

可以在 MatSortHeaderIntl 中为排序按钮设置 aria-label

The aria-label for the sort button can be set in MatSortHeaderIntl.