输入框 Input

input 概览

matInput 是一个指令,它能让原生的 <input><textarea> 元素与 <mat-form-field> 协同工作。

matInput is a directive that allows native <input> and <textarea> elements to work with <mat-form-field>.

Basic Inputs

所有能在标准 <input><textarea> 元素上使用的属性都同样能用在 <mat-form-field> 内部的元素上。 这些属性也包括像 ngModelformControl 这样的 Angular 指令。

All of the attributes that can be used with normal <input> and <textarea> elements can be used on elements inside <mat-form-field> as well. This includes Angular directives such as ngModel and formControl.

唯一的限制是 type 属性只能是 matInput 所支持的值之一。

The only limitation is that the type attribute can only be one of the values supported by matInput.

下列输入框类型可以和 matInput 一起使用:

The following input types can be used with matInput:

  • color - 颜色


  • date - 日期


  • datetime-local - 本地日期时间


  • email - 电子邮件


  • month - 月份


  • number - 数字


  • password - 密码


  • search - 搜索


  • tel - 电话


  • text - 文本


  • time - 时间


  • url - 网址


  • week - 周次


<mat-form-field> 的一些特性可以和 <input matInput><textarea matInput> 一起使用。 这些特性包括错误信息、提示信息、前缀与后缀和主题。要了解这些特性的更多信息,参见表单字段的文档

There are a number of <mat-form-field> features that can be used with any <input matInput> or <textarea matInput>. These include error messages, hint text, prefix & suffix, and theming. For additional information about these features, see the form field documentation.

占位符是当 <mat-form-field> 浮起但输入框为空时显示的文本。 它可以给用户一个额外的提示,来告诉他们该在输入框中输入什么。 占位符可以通过 <input><textarea> 上的 placeholder 属性进行指定。 在某些情况下,<mat-form-field> 可以把此占位符用作标签(参见表单字段的文档)。

The placeholder is text shown when the <mat-form-field> label is floating but the input is empty. It is used to give the user an additional hint about what they should type in the input. The placeholder can be specified by setting the placeholder attribute on the <input> or <textarea> element. In some cases that <mat-form-field> may use the placeholder as the label (see the form field label documentation).

<mat-form-field> 让你能把错误信息和你的 matInput 关联起来。 默认情况下,当该控件无效并且用户已经跟它交互过(碰过 touched)或者提交过父表单时才会显示这些错误信息。 如果你要覆盖这种行为(比如当无效控件或父表单组变脏时想尽快显示错误信息),可以使用 matInputerrorStateMatcher 属性。 该属性接收一个 ErrorStateMatcher 对象的实例。ErrorStateMatcher 必须实现一个 isErrorState 方法,它接受该 matInput 或其父表单的 FormControl,并返回一个 boolean 值,以指出是否应该显示错误信息。(true 表示应该显示,false 表示不该。)

The <mat-form-field> allows you to associate error messages with your matInput. By default, these error messages are shown when the control is invalid and either the user has interacted with (touched) the element or the parent form has been submitted. If you wish to override this behavior (e.g. to show the error as soon as the invalid control is dirty or when a parent form group is invalid), you can use the errorStateMatcher property of the matInput. The property takes an instance of an ErrorStateMatcher object. An ErrorStateMatcher must implement a single method isErrorState which takes the FormControl for this matInput as well as the parent form and returns a boolean indicating whether errors should be shown. (true indicating that they should be shown, and false indicating that they should not.)

Input with a custom ErrorStateMatcher
Errors appear instantly!

全局的错误状态匹配器可以通过 ErrorStateMatcher 提供者来指定。它将作用于所有输入框。 为方便起见,可以使用 ShowOnDirtyErrorStateMatcher 作为全局配置,来要求只有当输入框是脏(dirty)且无效(invalid)时才显示错误信息。

A global error state matcher can be specified by setting the ErrorStateMatcher provider. This applies to all inputs. For convenience, ShowOnDirtyErrorStateMatcher is available in order to globally cause input errors to show when the input is dirty and invalid.

  providers: [
    {provide: ErrorStateMatcher, useClass: ShowOnDirtyErrorStateMatcher}

通过使用 CDK 中的 cdkTextareaAutosize 指令,可以把 <textarea> 元素做成自动调整大小的。

<textarea> elements can be made to automatically resize by using the cdkTextareaAutosize directive available in the CDK.

CDK 提供了一些工具来检测输入合适被自动填充了,并修改自动填充状态的外观。

The CDK provides utilities for detecting when an input becomes autofilled and changing the appearance of the autofilled state.

matInput 指令和原生的 <input> 一起使用,以提供具有无障碍性的用户体验。

The matInput directive works with native <input> to provide an accessible experience.

如果容器 <mat-form-field> 具有一个标签,它就会自动用作该 <input>aria-label 属性。 不过,如果该表单字段没有指定过标签,就应该添加 aria-labelaria-labelledby<label for=...>

If the containing <mat-form-field> has a label it will automatically be used as the aria-label for the <input>. However, if there's no label specified in the form field, aria-label, aria-labelledby or <label for=...> should be added.

任何 mat-errormat-hint 都会自动添加到该输入框的 aria-describedby 列表中,并且 aria-invalid 会根据输入框的有效性状态进行自动更新。

Any mat-error and mat-hint are automatically added to the input's aria-describedby list, and aria-invalid is automatically updated based on the input's validity state.

当你尝试将输入框的 type 属性设置为 matInput 指令不支持的值时,将引发此错误。 如果需要使用不支持的输入类型和 <mat-form-field>,请考虑编写自定义表单字段控件

This error is thrown when you attempt to set an input's type property to a value that isn't supported by the matInput directive. If you need to use an unsupported input type with <mat-form-field> consider writing a custom form field control for it.