单选按钮 Radio button

radio 概览

<mat-radio> 提供了与原生元素 <input type="radio"> 相同的功能,但用 Material Design 的样式和动画进行了增强。

<mat-radio-button> provides the same functionality as a native <input type="radio"> enhanced with Material Design styling and animations.

Basic radios

所有具有相同 name 的单选按钮会构成一个集合,一次只能选择一个。

All radio-buttons with the same name comprise a set from which only one may be selected at a time.

单选按钮的标签是通过 <mat-radio-button> 元素的内容提供的。 该标签可以通过把 labelPosition 属性的值设置为 'before''after' 来把该标签定位在单选按钮的前面或后面。

The radio-button label is provided as the content to the <mat-radio-button> element. The label can be positioned before or after the radio-button by setting the labelPosition property to 'before' or 'after'.

如果你不想让此标签出现在单选按钮的紧后面,你可以用 aria-labelaria-labelledby 来指定一个合适的标签。

If you don't want the label to appear next to the radio-button, you can use aria-label or aria-labelledby to specify an appropriate label.

除非 DOM 结构不允许(比如在表格单元格中的单选按钮),否则单选按钮通常都要放在 <mat-radio-group> 的内部。 单选组具有一个 value 属性,用于表示该组中当前选中的单选按钮。

Radio-buttons should typically be placed inside of an <mat-radio-group> unless the DOM structure would make that impossible (e.g., radio-buttons inside of table cells). The radio-group has a value property that reflects the currently selected radio-button inside of the group.

单选组中的每个单选按钮都会继承该组的 name

Individual radio-buttons inside of a radio-group will inherit the name of the group.

<mat-radio-group>@angular/forms 兼容,并且同时支持 FormsModuleReactiveFormsModule

<mat-radio-group> is compatible with @angular/forms and supports both FormsModule and ReactiveFormsModule.

<mat-radio-button> 使用其内部的 <input type="radio"> 来提供无障碍性。 这个内部单选按钮会接受焦点,并自动以 <mat-radio-button> 元素的内容作为标签。

The <mat-radio-button> uses an internal <input type="radio"> to provide an accessible experience. This internal radio button receives focus and is automatically labelled by the text content of the <mat-radio-button> element.

单选按钮组应该通过 aria-labelaria-labelledby 给出一个有意义的标签。

Radio button groups should be given a meaningful label via aria-label or aria-labelledby.

可以使用 MAT_RADIO_DEFAULT_OPTIONS 提供者全局配置单选按钮的默认颜色

The default color for radio buttons can be configured globally using the MAT_RADIO_DEFAULT_OPTIONS provider

providers: [{
    useValue: { color: 'accent' },